Base Price
{{ if (!model.hasNonZeroDiscount()) { }} {{=formatCurrency(model.price)}} {{ } else if (model.hasPercentageOrderPromotion()) { }} {{=model.getOrderSaleTagText()}}{{=model.getFormattedOrderDiscountPrice()}} {{=formatCurrency(model.price)}} {{ } else if (model.hasNonZeroDiscount()) { }} {{=model.getSaleTagText()}}{{=model.getFormattedDiscountPrice()}} {{=formatCurrency(model.price)}} {{ } else { }} {{=formatCurrency(model.price)}} {{ } }} {{ if (model.hasOrderPromotionMessage()) { }}
{{ } else if (model.hasMachinePromotionMessage()) { }}{{=model.getMachinePromotionMessage()}}
{{ } }}Build Options
{{ if (!model.hasNonZeroDiscount()) { }} {{=model.getFormattedSelectedOptionsPrice()}} {{ } else if (model.hasPercentageOrderPromotion()) { }} {{ if (model.hasNonZeroOptionDiscount()) { }} {{=model.getOrderSaleTagText()}}{{=model.getFormattedSelectedOptionsDiscountPrice()}} {{=model.getFormattedSelectedOptionsPrice()}} {{ } else { }} {{=model.getOrderSaleTagText()}}{{=model.getFormattedSelectedOptionsPrice()}} {{ } }} {{ } else if (model.shouldShowOptionPromotion() || model.shouldShowToolingPromotion()) { }} {{=model.getOptionsSaleTagText()}}{{=model.getFormattedSelectedOptionsDiscountPrice()}} {{=model.getFormattedSelectedOptionsPrice()}} {{ } else { }} {{=model.getFormattedSelectedOptionsPrice()}} {{ } }} {{ if (model.hasOptionPromotionMessage()) { }}
{{ } }}Your Price
Payments as low as
Thank you for configuring your new Haas. We appreciate your business, and the opportunity to build your new machine tool. Please enter your information below to receive your instant quote. To skip this step in the future, simply enter a password below to create your free MyHaas account. With MyHaas, you can save, duplicate, modify, and share your quotes anytime you want. You can also manage your fleet of Haas machines, access HaasConnect, order parts, and more.
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YESBring your machine to life with the options that suit your needs.
USD prices DO NOT include customs duty, customs fees, insurance, VAT, or freight.
人民币价格包含关税、报关费用、货运保险和增值税, 但不包括运费。
CNY prices include customs duty, customs fees, insurance, and VAT. DOES NOT include freight.
Haas Delivered Price
This price includes shipping cost, export and import duties, insurance, and any other expenses incurred during shipping to a location in France agreed with you as a buyer. No other mandatory costs can be added to the delivery of a Haas CNC Product.
{{}}{{=showOptionIds ? ' | ' + : ''}}
{{ if (option.hasPromotion()) { }} {{ if (option.isStandard) { }}{{}}
{{ if (automation.hasPromotion()) { }}{{}}
{{ if (associate.hasPromotion()) { }}Join the Haas Tooling Winner's Circle to get FREE EXPEDITED DELIVERY and 5% OFF EVERY TOOLING PURCHASE!
Simply add a recommended tooling kit to your machine quote or browse our wide selection of Haas Tooling products below:
{{ if (option.hasPromotion()) { }} {{ if (option.isStandard) { }}{{=part.longDescription}}
{{}}{{=showOptionIds ? ' | ' + : ''}}
{{ if (option.hasPromotion()) { }} {{ if (option.isStandard) { }}{{}}{{=showOptionIds ? ' | ' + : ''}}
{{ if (option.hasPromotion()) { }} {{ if (option.isStandard) { }}

{{ if (!isWcProduct) { }}
Part #: {{=sku}}
{{ } }}{{=part.shortDescription}}
Retail Price: {{ _.forEach(part.toolingRegion.prices, function(currency) { }} {{ }); }}

{{}} requires other options:
We’ve added these options to your machine at no additional cost.
Chip-Disk Filtration Chip Conveyor
If machining high quantities of aluminum, please add the Chip-Disk Filtration (CDF) Conveyor. CDF Conveyors are the right choice for proper chip management for aluminum cutting applications generating a high volume of chips.
NOTE: The CDF Conveyor ships separately from the machine, and may incur additional shipping charges.
{{}} requires other options:
These options are automatically {{=optionAction}}.
{{ } }} {{ if (addOnNoCostText != 'false') { }}{{}} needs other options:
We’ve added these options to your machine at no additional cost.
{{ } }} Additional Options Removed{{}} required the following options:
We’ve removed these options from your machine.
Additional Options Removed {{ if (addOnCostText != 'false') { }}{{}} required the following options:
We’ve removed these options from your machine.
{{ } }} {{ if (addOnNoCostText != 'false') { }}{{}} needs other options:
These options are automatically {{=optionAction}}.
{{ } }} Legacy Options DetectedThe following options are no longer supported and have been replaced:
{{ _.forEach(legacyList, function(option, ndx) { }}{{=legacyList[ndx]}} {{ if (currentList[ndx] !== 'none') { }} {{=currentList[ndx]}} {{ } else { }} No Replacement {{ } }}
{{ }); }}Options with no direct replacements are replaced with the standard option.
Option RequiredThis option is required by {{}}.
You cannot remove this option at this time.
Option Required{{=peerOptionText}} is required by {{=parentOptionText}}.
You cannot select {{}} unless you first deselect {{=parentOptionText}}.
Additional Options Needed{{}} needs other options:
These options are automatically {{=optionAction}}.
{{ if (triggeredByUmcCdf) { }} {{ } }} {{ if (selectingCdf || triggeredByUmcCdf) { }}NOTE: The CDF Conveyor ships separately from the machine, and may incur additional shipping charges.
{{ } }} Additional/Alternate Options Needed {{ if (optionsText) { }}{{}} needs other options:
has been {{=optionAction}}.
{{ } }}
{{}} also requires either
{{ _.forEach(secondaryOptionText, function (text) { }}- or -
{{ }) }}{{=primaryOptionText}} has been {{=optionAction}} by default .
Choose Your Protective Barrier{{}} A protective barrier is required, but not included.
{{ _.forEach(secondaryOptionText, function (text) { }}- or -
{{ }) }}{{=primaryOptionText}} has been selected.
Incompatible Option{{}} is incompatible with this option.
{{}} must be deselected before selecting this option.
Incompatible Option{{}} is incompatible with this option.
HSK Tool Changers Require HSK Spindles
Option Replaced{{=replacedText}} has been replaced by {{}} and has been removed.
Incompatible Option{{}} requires {{=childOptionText}},
which is incompatible with
You must deselect {{=blockedByText}} before selecting this option.
{{ } else if (registration === 'success') { }}Thank you!
{{ } else if (registration === 'dupEmail') { }} {{ } else if (registration === 'failed') { }}Registration Failed
{{ } }}{{ if (!registration) { }}
Your quote has been generated and sent to your email. A distributor will be in touch to discuss your next steps.
{{ } else if (registration === 'success'){ }}Your MyHaas account has been created! Check your email for next steps!
{{ } else if (registration === 'failed' || registration === 'dupEmail'){ }}Account Registration failed, but your quote has been generated and sent to your email.
{{ } }} {{ if (registration !== 'failed') { }}What would you like to do next?
{{ } else { }}Please click MyHaas below to try to register again!
{{ } }}Next time, skip the form.
Create a MyHaas account to skip the form and automatically save and view quotes!
VISIT MYHAASPre-configured Package Loaded
The Following Options Have Been Added
{{ _.forEach(optionNames, function(name) { }}
- {{=name}} {{ }); }}
{{ _.forEach(toolingNames, function(name) { }}
- {{=name}} {{ }); }}
Your quote has been generated and sent to your email. A distributor will be in touch to discuss your next steps.
What would you like to do next?
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